SymplBrush was designed to eliminate the most common cause of dental decay, injury, and gum disease: user error. By harnessing the equivalent of twenty toothbrushes working simultaneously, SymplBrush delivers a safe, clinically proven, and effective clean each and every time you use it.

DDS Approved
Designed by a dentist
Dr. Keith Arbeitman found that patients are as likely to hurt their gums by brushing too much as they are to hurt their teeth by brushing too little. SymplBrush safely and effectively introduces automated technology to remove user error and variability from oral care. SymplBrush will revolutionize home oral care.

Our mission: lifelong health
The right way is any way that removes plaque without hurting gums, and that’s exactly what SymplBrush is engineered to do – within the 30- to 45-second window that most brushers prefer. With 20X the nylon bristles of a regular brush, SymplBrush removes the user error and gets the job done simply, safely, and quickly.